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Monday, December 16, 2013

"I hate library! It sucks!"

I might have expected this would happen some day.  My talents and awesomeness as a teacher might not measure up to a child's standards.  Little did I know I would only be in the 15th week of my new position before hearing these words from a disgruntled second-grader. . . In my younger years (like last week), I would have been horribly offended and extremely angry, but this time, I had to ask myself what I could do to make this boy's day better.  I didn't have a ready answer.  My dry lesson for the day certainly wasn't a hit with him, but I hoped he gleaned some small bit of knowledge.  I know I did.  I have a LOT to learn. . .

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Sense of Humor

I am often reminded of the need for a good sense of humor.  It can just be so hard to shake off the blues at times. . . Thanks to an anonymous note, I will be chuckling all day!

Thursday, November 14, 2013

Book Fair!

We are in the last few days of the book fair.  The kids have been excited and a little crazy!  I have been a bit cray myself and learning a lot.  It is certain to go more smoothly the next time.  I am open to suggestions!

Thursday, October 3, 2013


I am hoping that Facebook can be a way of communicating with others in my position as a K-12 School Library Media Specialist (aka Librarian) and others interested in pursuing this line of work.  Social media and technology in general have opened up so many lines of communication that it has become much easier to collaborate with and learn from others.  It can also be utterly overwhelming.  Sometimes I find myself spending too much time searching and sifting which causes the lesson to suffer.  Striking a balance will always be a battle for me, I'm sure.

Social media plays a big part in most of our lives, even if we don't use it.  I fumble my way through most of it, learning as I go.  Such is my way of life - same for many others, I'm sure.  Once again, I look to my students for guidance and help.  Digital natives seem to be eager and willing to help, and I try to imagine what life is like for these modern pioneers.  Technology gaps are getting shorter, it seems.  By this I mean generations are less separated by technology.  Because it changes so quickly, it is more likely that someone my age (44) is keeping up with the changes and learning along with the natives.  Who knows.  Maybe I still have a roll in teaching the natives!

Monday, September 23, 2013

New Job

Welcome back to Lynch's Library!  It was 2010 when I started this blog.  I was taking online courses to get my K-12 library certification in the state of Montana.  I am now in my fourth week of school as a K-12 Library Media Specialist in Victor, Montana, and am very grateful for my training and even more grateful for the help of my predecessor, Vicki Lyngstad.  Without her help, I would be curled up under a table blubbering for my mommy.

Returning students have been very helpful so far.  They are keeping me on track with the Accelerated Reader program and helping me recommend good reads for other students.  I am being reminded to keep things simple and start with the basics.  So far, the most helpful on-line resources have been and

Unfortunately, I have been faced with my first tears (not my own).  Having taught only middle and high school English the past 12 years, I have forgotten just how sensitive the younger ones can be.  Telling a kindergartner she wasn't in the computer system didn't seem like a big deal to me until I told her it meant she wouldn't be able to check out a book until we entered the information.  Fortunately, the problem was quickly remedied and the tears dried up.  Being a K-12 librarian means I must be able to shift gears quickly and often.

Here is where I thank my time with Missoula Children's Theatre for preparing me to do just that.  We would have kids as young as five and as old as 18 participate in an hour-long musical we would put together and perform in a week.  It's an amazing program and I gleaned a myriad of skills in my three tours with them.

I hope to chronicle my experiences here and welcome any feedback.  Happy reading!