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Monday, February 22, 2010

Blogging for Student Access

I know my digital native students would respond well to my library blog, but technology availability might make it somewhat difficult for all students to access. I would enjoy writing personal reviews of new library materials as well as research tips and library activities. In my ideal school library media center, I would have enough computers to accommodate a class of 30, and I would be able to control the students' screens as I demonstrated various tools and procedures. As an English teacher, it would be extremely beneficial to be able to work with a large group of students with research methods such as The Big 6. As it stands, our SLMS does an incredible job of helping my students with reading comprehension and getting students ready for the MontCAS tests in the spring.


  1. Amber, I would really like to know how your SLMS helps with reading comp and getting kids ready for MontCAS. Ideas will be so helpful.

  2. Hello!

    Our SLMS uses test examples and talks through test-taking strategies for the reading sections (multiple choice) of the MontCAS. They discuss the questions, the reading selections, and the answers. Various strategies are presented and students tend to take it pretty seriously because they are graded in library as part of their English grade. I handle the writing portion of the MontCAS in my classroom after the SLMS has been through the multiple choice questions. That way, they are familiar with the information, and we can focus on disecting the writing prompt. I hope this is helpful to you. Please let me know if you would like any more information.
